Monday, October 27, 2014

Vintage Polo

You want to know something about me? Well if you don't want to know I'll tell you anyway. I'm a cheap person. Cheap in the sense that I don't like to buy anything using my own money so I usually leave the expensive stuff for my my parents to buy. Okay that may sound a bit spoiled but if you have a mother like mine you'll see and understand that shopping is a mom and daughter bonding with us.

Well going back to the topic of me being a cheap person first. As a cheap person I love going thrift shopping. I love the excitement I feel in the surprises that awaits you as you first enter a thrift shop because you never know what you''ll find. I swear you should try it. If you think it's gross then let me tell you that it's not. Seriously. It's one of the most fun things you can do. Think about it. It's a store full of all kinds of vintage clothes and shoes. It's like heaven (well not really but you get the point). You'll never know what you can find there and it's safe. You just have to wash the clothes or shoes that you buy. If you never been to one then you haven't lived yet.

I've already found lots of cool stuff in a thrift shop like jumpers, high-waist shorts and the vintage polo I'm wearing! Ain't it cute? When I first saw it I already thought of how I could use it. I never had a polo like that before so I was excited on finding something like it.

Thrifted Polo | Halter top from Therunwaymnl | Shorts from Aeropostale | Socks from Topshop | Shoes from Luscious Closet 

Hope you like this post even the pictures are not so great! I just hope that like the outfit!

Till the next post!


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